Wednesday, November 18, 2009

MingleRoom For Ron

Entertainment House

Teleport into my MingleRoom, have a drink and Mingle Live MingleRoom all day.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My Experiences While Starting Tech Companies in BC Canada

Hello everyone, this blogs purpose is to hopefully help educate and engage a large audience of entrepreneurs, government officials, technology engineers and investors in Canada, USA and abroad about what it has been like as an American/Canadian to do a start up in Canada.

I will try to provide an honest and fun assessment of myself and the people and experiences I have encountered along the way that lead to the launch this week of Mingleverse Labs Inc.

I will discuss the issues I had in trying to get multiple tech start-ups of the ground (Mingleverse and previously Mixpo) in BC and in Canada as someone coming from SF and being involved with several Silicon Valley successes the past 15 years.

I have been here for a few years now and I have decided it may be worthwhile to share and give back to those who may be interested.